Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Galvanized barbed wire

The catalog contains selling prices of the manufacturer!
The price is specified for 1 kg.


- diameter of a basis - 2.8 mm;
- diameter of thorns - 2.0 mm;
- quantity of thorns - 4 pieces;
- a step of thorns - 75 mm;
- the mass of a hank - 30-46 kg.;
- weight is 1 rm. - 0.090 kg.

The barbed wire with the thorns which are evenly located on it is applied to a construction of different types of protections and obstacles.

Thorns sit on a basis not movably. The provertyvaniye of thorns around a basis on a corner no more than 300 and movement of thorns along a basis within distance between basis ledges is allowed.

To buy a barbed wire from us.
For wholesale purchase of goods call:8(017)215-53-69, 8(017)215-53-66